
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Case Study Chapter 7: Information Security Threats and policies in Europe

1. Botnet.

  • A botnet is a network of autonomous malicious software agents that are under the control of a bot commander.
  • The network is created by installing malware that exploits the vulnerabilities of web servers operating system, or applications to take control of the infected computer.
  • A botnet also refer to the collection of internet –connected programs in order to perform task.
  • This can be as mundane as keeping control of an internet relay chat (IRC) channel, or it could be used to send spam email or participate in distributed denial-of-service attacks.
  • The world botnet is a portmanteau of robot and network.

2. Some of the main points of the Digital Agenda for Europe.

  • Digital Agenda for Europe has recently launched by European commission.
  • The goal of this initiative is to define the key role that information and communication knowledge technologies will play in 2020.
  • The initiative calls for a single, open European digital market.
  • Another goal is that broadband speed of 80Mbps be available to all European citizen by 2020.
  • The initiative is considering the implementation of measures to protect  privacy and the establishment of a well-functioning network of CERT to prevent cybercrime and respond effectively to cyber attacks.

3. How cyber attack can be carried out.

  • The cyber attack on Estonia start in late April 2007 and lasted for almost three weeks.
  • During this period , vital parts of Estonia internet network had to be closed from access from outside the country, causing millions of dollars in economic losses/
  • At round same time, Arsys important Spanish domain registration company also targeted international hackers.
  • Arsys reported hacker had stolen codes that then use the to insert links to external server containing malicious codes in webpage of its clients.
  • French the UK and Germany were amount European countries suffered most inspection.
  • The French navy had grown all military planes when discovered its computer network was infected.
  • In UK, Worm infected computers in ministry of defence, the city of Manchester’s city council and police network.
  • Computers in network of German Army were infected too. Once, install on computer, co flicker is able to download and install other malware from control the website infected computer could be under full control of hackers.

      4. Weakness exploited by malware.

  • Malware may exploit weakness to initially infiltrate a system or to gain additional privileges on an already- compromised machine.
  •  The weaknesses may be exploit automatically by malware authors creations or manually by attempt will be generically called an attackers.
  • Weaknesses fall into 2broad categories , based on where the weaknesses lies.
  • Technical weakness involve tricking people.
  • The malware, hidden in shortcuts to executable programs (files with extension .ink) was executed  automatically when the content of an infected USB drive was displayed .
  • Employing this same technique , the worms was capable of installing other malware.
  • Data gathered later by other experts indicates that the worms was actually looking for some specific programmable Logic Controllers(PLC) devices used in a specific industrial plants. A facts that points to the possibility that malware was part of the sites infected with sabotage.
  • The significance that such a sophisticated treat represents to the industrial recourses in Europe and others parts of the world cannot be underestimated.

Case Study Chapter 3 : Automakers Become Software Companies

1. How is software adding value to automakers’ products?
  • improve customers’ experience.
  • save cost.
  • faster the work time.

2. How are the automakers benefiting from software -enhanced cars?how are customers benefiting?

  • easier the customer to navigate the road and car with additional software.
  • solve the traffic problem, parking.
  • communicate each other it anything happen on the road.
  • all smart phone user can connect and analyze data on car application.

3. What value chain activities are involved in enhancing cars with software?

  • Control panel with touch screen .
  • for development of company and cars, Ford develop software that synchronize with both pattern of product.
  • it navigate well all item in a car, such as temperature, speed ,clock ,music and phone.-upgrade software easily at Ford website.

4. How much of a competitive advantage is software providing for automakers? Explain your answer.

  • Ford has hired human machine interface engineers :
  • analyze their customers feedback.
  • when Ford has this effort, it will easier the process of making decision based on result.
  • Ford also asked dealer to implement time to gain more technology knowledge.
  • it also has develop the manufacturing of it products such as it can protect it own product with sensor and other useful application.
  • the reason why automakers have many benefit than other product is because they develop themselves  with variety progress and it far away develop with other products. It also make them perfect with their competitor.

Case Study Chapter 6: Burton Snowboards Speeds Ahead with Nimble Business Processes.

1. Analyze Burton  using the value chain and competitive forces models.
-the value chain is inventory , supply chain, purchasing and customer service.
-it takes feedback from its customers very seriously and will quickly to meet their needs .
-strengthen the foundation It goals.

2. Why the business processes described in this case such an important source of competitive advantage for Burton.?
-because by that , Burton made innovation in processes. They keep their system simple, standard and supportable. The company can gained proficiency with SAP enterprise software. Burton can speed up the process. Burton’s production line able to make modification quickly and dynamic.

3. Explain exactly how these process improvements enhance Burton’s operational performance and decision making.
-Burton put some improvements in that system by keep it simple, standard and supportable. Burton made decision not to buy new software but rather explore the software. That it had not yet used. Burton and SAP worked together to improve communication between warehouse and supply chain efficiency.

Case Study Chapter 3 about soundbuzz’s music strategy for Asia-Pacific

     1.  Analyze sound buzz and its business strategy using the competitive models . What strategies did it develop for dealing with competitive forces?
 Sound buzz using Porter’s competitive forces model

(a)    New market entrant

-licensing deals.
-launch of an online music store.


-licensing agreements with record labels.
-B2B model.

(b)   Substitute products.

-music files provided illegally.
-freely shared files.
-digital music for a monthly fee.
-CDs and TV and radio.


-big data base/ media base.
-partnership with mp3 player manufacturers.

(c)    Customers

-mp3 player manufacturers.
-music portals.


-B2C model.
-partnership with trivnet and isps.
-partnership with mp3 player manufacturers.

(d)   Suppliers.

-record companies.
-independent labels.
-unsigned artist.


-partnership with recording companies.
-digital rights management technology.
-artist-upload interface.

(e)   Competitors.

-nokia music store.
-Sony Ericson music store.
-companies with a monthly fee.
-possible: iTunes and


-big database.
Main strategies.
(a)    Products differentiation
-B2B and B2C models.
-wireless and areas.
(b)   Focus on market niches.
-Asia-pacific region.
-Lycos Asia promotion.
(c)    Customer and supplier intimacy.
-multiple-billing channels.
     2.  What are the critical elements for and online music service? Using the value of chain model, analyze soundbuzz’s business producer?
       -administration and management.
(a) online and mobile music company.


(a) source from local and independent record label and content is secured using digital right management  technologies consisting of web-server, license server, database server and media server


(a) internet and finance industries.

3. Why did Motorola acquire soundbuzz? What synergies will be created through this partnership?

(a)     Through its motomusic service, Motorola has more than 2 year experience delivery mobile music to customers with its carrier customers in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The acquisition of soundbuzz allows Motorola to expand motomusic beyond China into India, southeast  Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

(b)   With well over 90% of all digital music contain in Asia sold via mobile channel, Motorola strength in music delivery will help it carrier customer access growth opportunities.
(c)    The synergies will be created between Motorola and Soundbuzz is future financial and operating result, benefit and synergies of transaction, future opportunities for the combine company and product will be effect include:
-          The parties “ ability to consumed the transaction .
-          The conditions to completion of the transaction may not be satisfied, or approvals required for the transaction may not be obtain on the term expected or on the anticipated schedule.
-          The parties ability to meet expectation regarding the timing , completion and accounting and tax treatments and transaction.
-          Revenues following the transaction maybe lower than expected.
-          The retention of certain key employee at soundbuzz.

4. Explore the soundbuzz website, briefly describe its product, Technology platform, payment method, and revenue model.

(a)    Product.

-providing downloadable music and video retailer of selling the music accessories online such as mp3 player, SoundBlaster, speaker, headphone and web cameras.
(b)   Technology method.
-online purchase through individual account via credit card such as visa and MasterCard.
(c)    Technology platform.
-digital music store, portable device integration ,Pac net and Sing Net .
(d)   Revenue model.
-revenue from partnership , sponsorship of various winds in Asia and licensing digital media.

5. Do you think soundbuzz is successful ? what are the thing it can do to improve it business model? What can it learn from iTunes ?

-yes, soundbuzz should do synergies core-competencies and network based strategies to improve its business model. It can learn from iTunes that software is parallel with its own device like iPhone and iPods.

-from this, iTunes had a unique application store only for those device.
-also the iphone , ipad, ipod users have to download music through iTunes only , so this let iTunes had his own market and also because of the special configuration of the device.

Case Study Chapter 4: Should you use your iPhone for work?

1. What advantage and disadvantage of allowing employees to use their Smartphone for work?


a) keeping you organized
- smartphone can function as personal organizer and automatic reminder
b) flexible working
- as  a PDA, we can use our smartphone to take note or review and edit our appointment
c) information at your fingertips
- more services are being made available on smartphone and business can always stay one step ahead of what going on
d) faster communication
web access is quicker than in previously available mobiles, making it easier to access e-mail and information
e) employees using their own smartphone would allow companies to enjoy all of the same benefit of a mobile workforce without spending their own money on these device.
f) made it easier to keep track of each mobile  devise and to roll out software or fixed


a) security
- smartphone are able to access the internet either through wifi or data package
- the internet access on an insecure network put at risk of identity theft and hack account
b) distraction
- smartphone potentially decrease worker productivity and keep consumer off-task
- smartphone user are often play on the device  during business meeting and seminars rather than focus on the presentation
c) using personal device for business poses difficult problem for the company, inventory management support, integrating mobile device into pre-existing it function and system

2. What people, organization, and technology factor should be addressed when deciding whether to allow employees to use their personal smartphone for work?

 a) people
-if employees are allowed to work with more than one type of mobile device and operating system, companies need an effective way to keep track of all the devices employees are using
- when employees make change to their personal phones, such as switching cellular carriers, changing their phone number or buying a new mobile devices together. company will need to quickly and flexibly ensure that their employees are still able to remain productive
- firm need an efficient inventory management system that keep track of which devices employees are using, where the device is located. whether it is being used, and what software it is requirement

b) technology
- with the variety of phones and operating system available, providing adequate technical support for every employee could be difficult
- a firm software development teams can benefits from having one person specifically focused on ensuring that new application  will be easily usable and useful on smartphone

c) organization
- integrate mobile devices to corporate and it strategy company needs to carefully examine their business process and determine whether or not mobility makes sense for them

3. Allowing employees to use their own smartphone for work will save company money. Do you agree. explain it.

I agree
- it lower cost for the company
- increase resource or information for the task given
- easy to communicate among worker
- develop bureaucratic
-paperless/ green technology
- develop workers knowledge and practice
- save money in communicate with client through video conference.


1.            why customer database is very important for a company like Forbes's and Kodak because customer database typically contain data such as customer name, address and history of purchase. these database include records of the company communication with its own customer purchased from other organization. there are basic reason for company why they must use customer database wisely. furthermore there are service that use by Forbes's company in customize their customer database. it works by compiled information about Forbes's reader by selecting and analyzing subsets of reader population. besides that, other reason are company can learn detail about each of its individual readers and examining variable of greatest interest to its advertiser. moreover, Kodak company has been able to replace its crude customer personas with detailed in depth profiles of customer group and Kodak able to target each type of customer more precisely with retail packaging, product description and advertising placements. finally, if company those not have database about their customer so, they can't know well about their customer need. so they can't update or promote their product and receive important feedback from customer
2.            two entities and several of their attributes that might be found in Kodak's marketing database is using campaign around functional customer personas that were more inspirational than real Kodak maintain data so million customer compiled from direct purchases and registration on Kodak website and photo sharing site customer. Kodak is able to target each type of customer more precisely with it retail packaging , product description and advertising placements. therefore, Kodak use the data with demographic and psychographic information purchased from third party database vendor.

3.            customer database contain each customer records or history purchases. this will make the company keep in touch with their customer. company can also invite the customer to joins their program. the contact with the customer are important to the company because customer are the key of success of the business. company can ask a feedback from their customer to ensure company improve their quality of product line. secondly, company can study about customer lifestyle demographic, so that the company can make a product that suitable with their customer in each phase. it will different company need to diversify their product line or reducing the quantity of each products to ensure the company not loss.

lumrah student memang akan rasa stress untuk study, siapkan assignment, layan kawan2 yang gila2. so, untuk hilangkan semua tu. jom layan video nie.. haha

assalamualaikum, hai semua.... nie hasil penat lelah kami buat ini poster, tapi a big dedicate to alip coz sanggup spend masa siapkan poster nie. XOXOD